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Keep it working for Pennsylvania 

Employer contributions — in the form of their quarterly tax payments — are the primary funding source for PA’s unemployment compensation benefits. That’s why it’s important for businesses employing workers in Pennsylvania to make timely and accurate payments into the system.

PA Employers Keep It Working

Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) system has some basic rules that employers need to follow in order for it to operate smoothly — and protect the benefits for Pennsylvania’s workers.

Every Employer Must Be Registered.

The Pennsylvania UC Law requires all businesses that employ workers to register with the commonwealth.

All Employees — and Their Wages — Must Be Accounted For.

Each employer’s quarterly UC tax responsibility is based on the amount of wages it pays to each of its employees. To ensure the proper level of UC benefits is available if the need arises, each employee — and his or her wages — must be accurately reported.

Failure to Follow The Rules Works Against The UC System.

The responsibilities for Pennsylvania’s employers with regard to unemployment compensation are clearly outlined. The failure to abide by these rules not only defeats the purpose of the UC program, to provide Pennsylvania workers with a financial safety net, but violates the Law.

These violations include: failure to register as a Pennsylvania employer, failure to report all employees and the wages being paid to them and payment of employee compensation “under the table.” Additionally, if an employer attempts to assist an employee who is filing a fraudulent claim for UC benefits, that is fraud.